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Let's Connect

Are you ready to collaborate on a campaign to highlight your brand’s commitment to the Latinx community?

Let’s connect and come up with some amazing initiatives.

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Chatting with the Mamis of Mamas411 Podcast

What is it like growing up bilingual and bicultural? How do you keep bilingualism and biculturalism in your family for the next generation? How did I stumble into internet marketing?…

Talking positivity with Wendy of YourHelpfulWendy

Life is full of hardships. It's not all sunshine and rainbows, now matter how much you want it to be. Disease, sadness, breakups, death and taxes are some of the…

Chatting on the Sushi Entrepreneur Podcast

There are two things I really love. Sushi and being an entrepreneur. I also love podcasts. It wasn't too long ago that we all had to consume whatever media it…