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Let's Connect

Are you ready to collaborate on a campaign to highlight your brand’s commitment to the Latinx community?

Let’s connect and come up with some amazing initiatives.

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LatinaMeetup DC Sponsor: La Casa Frida

I'm such a fan of these ladies! Their creations are beyond creative, and I am thrilled to include them as a LatinaMeetup DC sponsor! Meet Ruby & Gaby the proud…

Share Photos Privately with La Familia

I live quite a bit of my life on social media. It's part of the package when you work in digital marketing. However, I do preserve parts of my private…

5 Reasons You Need a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERâ„¢ Professional

Life happens. Often. Just these past couple of years, our family has dealt with medical emergencies for 3 out of 4 family members. We are also facing sending our second…