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FIAP2024 Jury Presidents Introduce Themselves and Explore Creative and Innovative Trends in the Industry

MIAMI, FL — July 10, 2024 — (NOTICIAS NEWSWIRE) — The latest FIAP Face to Face Webinar hosted the Jury Presidents of the FIAP 2024 Iberoamerican Creativity Festival. Anna Roca: General Director of Proximity Barcelona, President of APG Spain, presiding over the Formats discipline; Andrés Ordóñez: Chief Creative Officer Global of FCB USA, leading the …

MIAMI, FL — July 10, 2024 — (NOTICIAS NEWSWIRE) — The latest FIAP Face to Face Webinar hosted the Jury Presidents of the FIAP 2024 Iberoamerican Creativity Festival. Anna Roca: General Director of Proximity Barcelona, President of APG Spain, presiding over the Formats discipline; Andrés Ordóñez: Chief Creative Officer Global of FCB USA, leading the Innovation discipline; Erh Ray: Founder, CEO & CCO of BETC Havas Brazil, overseeing the Advertisements discipline, and Manuel Camacho: President and Founding Partner of LaDoblevida Mexico, heading the Production discipline, explored creative trends, the impact of innovation on creativity, applications of artificial intelligence (AI) in the industry, and provided insightful details about their evaluation process for the festival.

Moderated by Mara Fernández, Chief Transformation Officer of PRODU, the jury presidents offered their leadership perspectives on the key challenges facing the creative industry today.

Roca acknowledged the industry's many challenges and the shifting landscape. "Time is our biggest hurdle," she explained. "Clients demand faster creative output, but quality creative takes time to develop."Ordóñez emphasized efficiency as the most critical challenge. "Client education is key," he argued. "Technology can streamline the creative process, but effective use requires understanding." Ray stressed the fundamental importance of idea generation. "Technological innovation demands quicker ideation in a fiercely competitive market," he stated. "However, talent remains paramount. Machines rely on human experience and input for creative development." Camacho concluded by emphasizing the importance of standing out. "To succeed, we must be seen, be different, and be relevant," he said. "Our work needs to evoke emotional responses."

Industry trends

Discussing industry trends, Roca pinpointed emerging technologies that integrate creative thinking as a key driver. "The advertising industry craves novel formats to stand out," she observed. "But without inherent curiosity, it's difficult to grasp the ever-changing landscape."

Ordóñez acknowledged the challenge of the innovation category due to the rapid pace of technological advancements. "The question becomes," he explained, "how can we leverage these technologies to solve problems, create impact, and break formats? It's about achieving innovation within innovation, fueled by constant curiosity. The beauty lies in building something different within established formats."

Ray highlighted the current trend of rapidly adopting AI, emphasizing the value of individual experience in fostering innovation. "Curiosity is the key to unlocking creativity," he stated.

Camacho cautioned against blindly following trends, viewing them as an "avalanche" everyone tries to catch. "Understanding trends can be valuable in idea generation," he conceded. "However, the most impactful work often transcends current trends."

IA & creative minds

Discussing the impact of AI on ad creation, they emphasized the importance of the human element and a return to core creative principles, like handcrafted elements.

Roca views AI as another team member, automating tasks, not replacing human capabilities. "Success hinges on the human-technological partnership," she explains. "Ethical considerations and copyright issues in AI use deserve primary attention."

Ray emphasizes human judgment's essential role in the creative industry, citing individual criteria. "Humanity always comes before technology for me," he states. "While AI speeds up creation, each person's experience shapes their efficient search within AI. For instance, Generation Z seeks offline, handcrafted experiences, escaping the digital realm."

Ordóñez encourages embracing and experimenting with AI daily. "It presents a wonderful challenge," he argues. "If we're skilled creatives, machines won't outdo us. They'll help us generate a significantly differentiated creative benchmark." Camacho concludes that AI will replace certain functions like stock image use, but human beings remain crucial for ideas. "Human talent and judgment will continue to be revered and prized."

Humor in Cannes

Within the context of creative industry innovation, the jury presidents weighed in on the new Humor category introduced at Cannes this year.

Ray views the new category as another avenue for award recognition. Ordóñez speculates that the creation of a Humor category might reflect a general decline in humorous advertising. Camacho, on the other hand, expresses concern about the proliferation of subcategories, arguing that platforms are increasingly blending genres.

Last advance

The webinar concluded with advice for aspiring FIAP 2024 participants seeking awards. Camacho emphasized, "The key isn't just liking your own piece, but understanding why it excels within your chosen category." Ordóñez concurred, stressing the importance of proper category placement. "Review past cases and effectively tell your creative story," he advised. Roca offered a minimalist approach: "Less is more. Remember, human judges will evaluate your work." Finally, Ray provided three key factors: "Impeccable execution, coupled with highlighting the product's originality and relevance."

As webinar moderator, Fernández emphasized the impact of technological advancements on advertising. She also highlighted a powerful quote from Camacho, key to achieving innovation: "Fall in love with the problem, not the solution."

View FIAP Face to Face Webinar with the jury presidents here

About FIAP
The Ibero-American Festival of Creativity, FIAP, is now in its 55th edition, continuing its legacy of recognizing excellence and innovation in all advertising formats in Ibero-America. In partnership with PRODU, the festival is dedicated to acknowledging ideas that transform, inspire, elevate, and excite audiences in the region and beyond.

For 35 years, PRODU has been the leading provider of content for television, advertising, and technology professionals in Latin America, Spain, and the US Hispanic market. PRODU produces regular digital business publications aligned with its sustainability strategy, along with an online directory: Who's Who Online, in addition to the most prestigious and consulted website and newsletters on television, advertising, and technology industries. PRODU's three free newsletters reach over 30,000 subscribers daily.