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Tag: family events on the oregon coast

newport oregon

My Love Affair With The Oregon Coast (Newport, Oregon)

There is a place where I feel completely at peace and energized all at the same time. A place where the crisp, cool wind is a constant reminder of the force that is the Pacific Ocean. The seagulls and colorful houses yards away from the delightful sandy beach are quiet and quaint. The seafood is beyond description.

The place is Newport, Oregon and one of my favorite destinations to dwell and discover.

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MISSION, KS — October 17, 2024 — (NOTICIAS NEWSWIRE) — Cold and flu season is here. The best way to battle cold and flu season is to prevent coming down with anything at all. While it’s impossible to stay entirely safe from germs, sniffles and coughs, there are a few healthy habits you can incorporate …

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