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Weight loss – I refuse to fail

ok, so my cardio fitness is excellent. I outrun people in their 20s in great shape. But I’m still overweight. I’m at 170lbs now. After I lost 35 pounds, I keep gaining and losing 10. This is because even though I put in approx 5 miles daily, I eat like a pig at night.

I eat very well during the day, but at night, when kids are put to bed and I can finally breathe, I plop myself down, watch my dvr shows and eat cake, cookies, chips, whatever I can find that I shouldn’t eat plus a couple glasses of wine. It’s my way of soothing myself before sleep.

So today I have resolved to STOP it. I refuse to fail at this just because I have a sugar and carb addiction. If I can control myself all day, then I need to do so at night, even though that’s when my defenses are down.

Tonight is night #1. I will just eat my sensible dinner, have some chamomile tea and MAKE myself go to sleep early. The plan is to do this fo 2 weeks, and then I’ll be off the cravings. This is how I did it last time, I just need to get back on the wagon. No more “I’ll start tomorrow”.

stay tuned. I’m sure I’ll get quite bitchy in a couple of days 🙂

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Latino Buying Power in 2024 - Presentation by Danay

Speaking About Latino Buying Power in 2024

**Latino Buying Power: Unveiling a $3.2 Trillion Economic Force**

Discover the true economic impact of the Latino community. In my latest blog post, I share insights from my presentation at the Georgia Latino Caucus, highlighting the $3.2 trillion buying power of Latinos. Learn how this data challenges negative stereotypes and showcases the contributions of the Latino community to the American economy. Explore key organizations like L’ATTITUDE, Hispanic Star, and the Latino Donor Collaborative that are driving awareness and empowerment. Join me in celebrating and understanding the true potential of Latino economic influence.

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