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3 Social Media Marketing Podcasts That Will Make You Smarter

As I like to point out constantly, according to the resident teeny-bopper, I run 5 miles every day religiously. Whether it’s raining, snowing or anything in between, I will do everything in my power to get my run in. Even when I travel, especially when I travel, I like to run around the area I’m visiting and get a feel for the beat of the place.

I am continually asked by people who see me running how I get out there every day. The commitment comes from simply wanting to be healthy and not making any excuses about it. But it does get tedious and there are just so many times one can listen to the same music, so I give myself that hour to catch up on podcasts, and that makes the time fly right by.

This geek loves learning, and will listen to just about anything at least once. I have specific topics that I like to listen to including online marketing and social media marketing shows.

I need to have a takeaway from each episode that makes my time spent listening worthwhile. Because I have listed to so many shows, I’ve weeded out the ones that are all fluff and very little substance. Here is the list of the top 3 social media marketing podcasts that actually deliver and make you a smarter marketer.

1. Social Media Marketing Podcast

Hosted By Michael Stelzner of Social Media Examiner

Aptly named, the Social Media Marketing Podcast introduces the listener to real social media marketing experts who share their success stories and how they actually achieved results. Stelzner gives listeners a peak into the real workings of a successful social media marketer.

The most recent episode follows Holly Homer whose Facebook page, Quirky Momma has 3 million fans. Holly shares how she uses Facebook Insights to learn about her fans and Facebook Live to talk directly to her community and keep them highly engaged.

2. The Social Pros

Hosted by Jay Baer of Convince & Convert and Adam Brown of Salesforce.

Social Pros was recently named the best podcast at the Content Marketing Awards, and here’s why. They interview actual practicioners in Social Media Marketing who share tips, tricks and their in-the-trenches experiences.

Their most recent episode “How to Achieve Incredible Social Media Success in a University” features Monica Ballesteros, Social Media Manager of the Enterprise Marketing Hub at Arizona State University. She discusses maintaining brand cohesiveness and a high level of social customer care across hundreds of social accounts.

3. The GaryVee Audio Experience

Hosted by entrepreneur, CEO, investor, vlogger, and public speaker Gary Vaynerchuk

If you haven’t been introduced to Gary yet, you’re welcome. I’m a huge fan of Gary’s no-nonsense style where he answers questions from listeners on everything social media and business. The GaryVee Audio Experience is a mix of his #AskGaryVee show episodes, keynote speeches and segments from his DAILYVEE video series.

I suggest listening to one of his keynote speeches to get a good grasp of his style and message. His latest episode, A Conversation About Being An Immigrant, he discusses the immigrant view of the hustle and why being one has made him successful. This episode is an example of how he sprinkles a lot of common sense advice and motivation into his strategy content.

Each one of these podcasts leaves me with new information and truly does make me smarter after listening. Do you have any shows that you like to tune into?

81 Responses

  1. Thank you so much! This is very helpful. I only knew the Social Media Examiner one and also I know Gary Vaynerchuk, but I’ve never listened to his podcast. I’m definitely going to start with that one.

  2. I haven’t tried podcasts yet, but I really should. I love to listen to books while I walk and clean the house. Why not expand it to my blog. Thanks for the ideas.

  3. Ooooo these sound great to listen to!!!! I think we all need to learn more about social media! I will be checking these out!

  4. i haven’t heard any of these podcasts before, as inever really got the hang of podcasts, but i’m going to look for these and downlowad them 😀 thank you for the recomendation!

  5. Thanks for the recommendations! I used to listen to podcasts and the radio a lot while commuting in LA… since my commute got shorter, I haven’t been listening to stuff… but your idea of working out while learning is definitely something that inspired me!

  6. I have very lately started getting in to these podcasts stuff and listening to something related to Social Media will be so much helpful. I would love to listen to these during my travel time or weekends.

  7. I have never heard of these podcasts before. I will make sure to listen to them. I will be so much helpful to get another perspective of social media marketing.

  8. Thanks for sharing these podcasts. I was just going through my podcast list and started to purge the one’s I don’t listen too. I’ll be checking these out to improve on my social media for 2017.

  9. I am way behind with the whole podcast thing. It was just something that I never caught on to. I do however love to learn though and I read a lot and listen to audios while working out and driving. Jack Canfield is a favorite. Oh and Zig Ziglar of course.

  10. I am not really a fan of podcasts. I hardly ever use the app on my phone but it seems as though I am missing out a lot. This is an option I would have to look into especially for the improvement of my blog. Thanks for sharing.

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