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5 Reasons to Start Weaving Magic with Threads App

Another App:

OK. I know what you’re thinking.

Oh look! Yet another social media platform to manage.

Trust me when I say, I feel the same way.

But then I shake it off because, while, yes, it is yet another platform;


Another platform means…


While embracing a new social media platform might seem overwhelming, it can bring also bring a ton of benefits for businesses who may be struggling with the tried and true ones.

5 Quick Reasons to Try Threads

Here are five (5) reasons why you should check out Threads and create your brand success on this new platform.

Reason 1: Expanded Reach

Any time there is a new kid in town in the social media landscape, that means you have people who will adopt this app that may like what it has to offer versus the competition.

You’re looking at the opportunity to expand to a completely new user base and THAT is pure gold.

Reason 2: Thought Leadership

Threads is new and that means the first adopters are going to jump in first.

Being a first adopter has many benefits and that includes the interweb street cred it brings.

Rather than learning all the ins and outs of a new platform, people just want to be taught quickly so they can enjoy it.

By going in first, you have the advantage of learning the platform and teaching others as you bring them onboard.

When people see you as a first adopter and teacher, they follow your recommendations.

As silly and easy as this sounds, it works like a charm.

Reason 3: SEO Benefits

No one really knows what the seo benefits will be, however, if we guide ourselves by the patterns that all of the other social platforms follow, especially those of its parent company, Meta, then we know that just creating your profile will help you rank in Google for your name.

Go ahead, Google yourself and you will see that the first results usually include your LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.

My results below show many of the social media accounts I own along with some of my mentions in awards and publications. Without the other sites, my first page would basically have all of my socials, and I will bet that in a few weeks or months, my threads profile will be on this list because Google ranks these social platforms so highly.

If you have heard me talk about owing your Google results, you know I say “Go sign up for every social media platform you can, even if you don’t use them.”

That’s because it’s the easiest way to own your personal brand results for the first three pages of Google results while you work on building out your brand.

You can and SHOULD do this for your company name and any other brands that you own.

The geeky way of explaining this is: search engines consider social media signals when determining website authority.

Reason 4: New App Algorithm

This has to be my absolute favorite reason. While it should probably be the first, I like to tuck it down further into my content to reward the true readers.

Nah, that’s hogwash. I really have no reasoning behind the numbering on this particular list.

But I digress.

The reason it’s my fave is because we get to dance what I like to call the “New App Algo Cha Cha”.

When a new app appears on the horizon, the creators have ONE goal.

To get as many new users as possible to use it.

They want to be Numero Uno on the Apple store downloads list. AND they want oodles of articles from the likes of TechCrunch to extoll their virtues and drool over their adoption numbers and growth.

The last thing they care about is the algorithm because us new early adopters will only tell everyone about it if it offers a lot of eyeballs.

Soooo, while the app is courting us early adopters so that we help it grow, it will reward us with lots of eyeballs and little to no restrictions.

That’s when it’s easiest to make connections and grow your audience.

The next dance move from the apps will be to tighten up that algo, so get in now while you can lead that Cha Cha.

Reason 5: Future-Proofing

Here is my marketer speak…

Embracing new platforms will empower you to remain adaptable among the ever evolving shifts in the digital landscape blah blah blah.

The real deal is that we don’t know where this app will be in the next month or year.

What we do know is that there is a big push by Meta for this to be the Twitter killer.

My take is that this is not. It’s a completely new format and Twitter will evolve into something else.

In the meantime, jumping on the train and learning, leading and teaching are the ways to stay on top of new trends and technologies so that your brand stays strong and relevant.

And THAT, amigos, is future-proofing.


Threads App presents a promising opportunity to expand your brand presence in the ever-evolving social media landscape.

While the thought of managing yet another platform may bring you to tears, remember this.


There. I said it.

I will tell you what I tell myself and my team.

“Suck it up buttercup.”

Social Media Platforms = OPPORTUNITY.

It’s up to us to leverage it before and better than our competitors.

Let’s Connect

Let’s connect on Threads and weave some magic together.

See what I did there?

Seriously, let’s do the thing. Leave me a comment telling me you read this post and I will show you some threads love right back.

One Response

  1. I’m not on threads yet, but after reading this I will go check it out and get my account. I agree that you need to own your google results.

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