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Arguing politics is such a privelege

I was just thinking about what a privilege it is to argue politics. Every time someone agrees or disagrees, has a heated discussion or anything else, they are exercising the amazing privelege that so many people have given their lives for and so many around the world have no idea exists. Others dream of being able to sit at a table and air out their frustrations and offer up solutions without being in perile.

I speak from experience, not because I have ever felt oppressed, but because I am an immigrant and while I got here too young to have remembered the oppression, I have grown up with the stories of my family’s experiences with it.

I am Cuban American, and many days I have the pleasure of listening to my mom and uncle sit at the diningroom table and discuss politics and hte state of Cuba today. They also rehash alot of their family history, the good and the bad.

I find myself thinking at times, “why can’t they just let it go? They speak about the same things over and over!”

Then I mentally slap myself for being such an idiot. How could i even begin to understand what it must have felt like to lose everything you worked for? It would be the equivalendt of our government taking my home, my business and my cars just because they wanted to and felt I didn’t need it.

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