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COVID-19 Kudos List

I operate under two important principles in life.

Number 1: Be optimistic.

Number 2: Do something about it.

The reason isn’t because I am some highly transformed individual who possesses the secrets of the meaning of life.

It’s the result of being pragmatic and realizing that you ALWAYS have a choice between being sad and living in that misery or choosing joy and taking ownership of your life and circumstances.

So, while the media is focusing on how terrible things are right now, and they are…

I want to give a shout out and big Kudos to those individuals and companies who have chosen to DO SOMETHING about our current situation in the world.

LEGO Factory is Producing Thousands of Protective Plastic Face Masks for Medical Workers

This week LEGO began to make visors at their factory in Billund for healthcare workers on the frontline in Denmark. They worked around the clock to create designs and make moulds that can produce more than 13,000 visors a day.

Thank you LEGO for being community leaders!

J. Paul Getty Museum is Keeping Us Creative

They asked their Twitter followers to recreate their favorite works of art using only items from around their house and you will NOT e disappointed!

Another Reason To Love Dolly Parton.

Not only did one of my favorite celebs on the planet donate $1 million to Vanderbilt University’s coronavirus research, but she’s also making us feel better with her inimitable story telling talents. As of Tuesday, April 9, the Dolly will read bedtime stories selected from the Imagination Library, her book gifting program which mails free books to children. “Goodnight with Dolly” will stream every week for the next 10 weeks.

There you have it folks.

Yes, times are bad, and there is a lot of loss right now. But if you’re reading this and you’re stuck at home being cranky about being stuck at home, remember to focus on gratitude and the fact that you are home and not in a hospital fighting for your life.

Don’t forget to come back next week for another round of COVID-19 Kudos!

Also, I would love to hear about other folks we should be giving Kudos to right now. Share yours in the comments.

One Response

  1. This is awesome. Staying positive is so important. I love the idea of recreating famous art with everyday objects!!

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