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Hi! I am Danay



Community Builder


About me

I am on a mission is to elevate the Latino Community

Thanks to my AMAZING brand partnerships, I am able to deliver on that promise with the LatinaMeetup and AMIGOS communities. I work with brands who want to reach Latinos in a way that benefits both the brand and the diverse gente they want to access by creating programs and opportunities for them to truly be involved. Think grants, experiential events, incubators, and scholarships!

The latest cuentos...

My latest adventures in the world of a Latina entrepreneur on a mission to be el cambio.


It’s time for a physical

I am ashamed to say that I have not had a physical in about 4-5 years. I started to think back and couldn’t believe it had been so damned long.…

Running update – 5 miles

I feel soooo much better. I ran 5 miles. It took me an hour and it was on the treadmill, but I had my little boy in time out and…

Obligatory new blog post

Yes, I started another blog. I write several blogs, but they are all about very different things. This one is my one and only, about ME blog. I am a…