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I will win the arthritis war

I generally don’t make personal posts on my blog, but that’s about to change today. I am 40, and I have arthritis. I have suffered from it since my late twenties and it just continues to get worse. Some days are really intense where I can’t even move my joints for the first 30 minutes of my day. Those days I have to force myself to get out of bed and face the world.

This is not a woe-is-me post, since I don’t consider it a life altering or highly negative thing. It is what it is. I live my life in a grateful way and know how truly blessed I am in my career, in my marriage and with my children.

This is, however, a kick-in-the-butt post to remind myself that I am in control of this. I can control my arthritis by how I eat and my exercise routine, both of which I have neglected for way too long.

So I’m publicly putting this out there for accountability, so that the folks who read this can ask me how I’m doing with my nutrition and exercise when they see me.

In the meantime, I’m going to pull myself together today, take a nice long walk in beautiful Southern California and take in those gorgeous mountains.

2 Responses

  1. It usually takes me an hour to get out of bed due to my neuropathy. I used to hop out of bed and start my day. This has been a huge life change. I learned to do what I can do and push myself, but not too much. Nutrition and exercise are so important! Nice blog.

  2. What kind of Arthritis? Have you ever heard of a book called the Starch Solution, its written by a doctor that had arthritis patients change their diets and were able to help them live pain free with no or little meds, hope you get to feeling better 🙂

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