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Most Popular Weekly Hashtags

Hashtags are the best way to grow your twitter and Instagram following and engagement. There are some well known hashtags that have been around since the inception of twitter, like #FF and #TT, but there are others that are just as popular and fun to use.

You can always find hashtags that pertain to your business or likes, however, the easy ones are the weeklies, which have a very broad audience. Just one good #FF or #FollowFriday post can garner you several new followers.

Here is a list of the most popular weekly hashtags. This isn’t an all-inclusive list, just my favorites.

Monday Hashtags

#MotivationMonday – This is one of my favorites. I am a sucker for a good motivational quote, so I eat these up when I see them, and I share.

#MondayFunday – This is for those who enjoy Mondays. Yes there really are people who do, and it’s great for photos of office high jinks and fun.

#MondayBlues – Use this to communicate just how miserable you are over the death of your weekend.

Tuesday Hashtags

#TipTuesday – No, this is not an opportunity for you to share pics of how giving you are when you tip your waiter. Although, I personally think it would be a great use of the term. This is your opportunity to share your business wisdom.

#TransformationTuesday or #TT – If you have lost weight or met a goal, this tag is for you. You can show a split image of your before and after and wait for all the “atta-boys” to roll in.

Wednesday Hashtags

#HumpDay – This is really the only tag for Wednesday that I feel is worth mentioning. It speaks for itself, with, or without a camel.

Thursday Hashtags

#ThrowBackThursday or #TBT – TBT is by far the most popular weekly hashtag. Everyone loves to share old pics, and this is the tag to use with it.

#ThirstyThursday – Drinks, drinks and more drinks. Most folks share pics of yummy alcoholic beverages, but the hashtag is also used for smoothies and other thirst quenching concoctions.

Friday Hashtags

#FollowFriday or #FF – Use this to share with your followers other brands and people you think are worth a follow. It’s another great way to connect, and when you #FF someone, they are bound to return the favor.

Saturday Hashtags

#SocialSaturday – there is no real theme to this hashtag. Use this for anything on Saturday that you’d like to share or to start a conversation.

Sunday Hashtags

#SelfieSunday or #SS – Share your best selfies with this hashtag.

Now that you are armed with some ideas for posts, pick a hashtag that speaks to you and have at it.

Let me know if I missed any of your favorites!

25 Responses

  1. Wow! I need to keep track of the hashtags more carefully. Of the one’s on your list; I love #tiptuesday and especially #selfiesunday because the little one loves, loves taking pictures.

  2. I love hashtags! So here’s my question….. Is there a recommended limit of hashtags to use when blogging or posting on social media? In other words, can you use too many?

  3. Follow Friday is one I never heard of, but it’s a great idea!!! Thanks for the info will start using it.

  4. This is is awesome I was aware of a few but I learjed a few more. I use #bluskyfriday, #linkyourlife, #saturdayarchives and #sundayblogshare. I share with these hashtags and have been kindly shared by others. 😊

  5. I usually post my TBT pictures during a Friday, which ends up as a Flashback Friday post. It’s always nice to know more themes for the different days.

  6. We can always take advantage of these hashtags especially if we’re trying to grow our social media following. I think it’s awesome that you shared with us the most used ones per day!

  7. Oooo #MondayFunday is a new one! I’ve heard of Sunday fun day but never Monday. I will have to try that one

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