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Unplug with Silliness & Fluff

This week’s post is pure fluff.

Yeppers. I’m not going to pretend that it’s anything other than that.

It’s the holidays and I’m in the middle of a ton of year-end work, so my writing reflects how I feel.

How do I feel? I’m mentally exhausted from a lot of thinking and planning and statistics. To unwind I sometimes read up on and watch silly stuff. Yes it’s still within my industry of digital advertising, but it’s seriously poofy, nonsensical fluff.

I may possibly throw in something of substance, so please read on and enjoy.

Sesame Street Parodies Stranger Things 2

Stranger Things is a guilty pleasure in this household. It’s one of the things the teenybopper and I are obsessed with and bond over. Why not make it even better with an awesome parody from Sesame Street?

Spotify Acquires Soundtrap

Spotify is on a tear lately, acquiring companies in an effort to grow and expand its user base and services. They acquired streaming service, MightyTV and blockchain startup Mediachain Labs earlier this year. Their most recent acquisition is collaborative music platform, Soundtrap.

Check out this groovy video. I’m totally getting in on this and having some fun with the tunes.

Why is everyone saying  Dilly Dilly?

In a stroke of genius, Budweiser put out a ridiculous ad set in a medieval hall. Visitors who bring the king a favorable gift are rewarded with a chant of “dilly dilly”. Watch the commercial to see what happens to those who don’t. It’s super cheesy and definitely worth a watch.



Burger King & Bullying Jr.

Burger King created a PSA about bullying. It’s both entertaining and disturbing.


That’s it!

I hope you enjoyed the break from the serious. Sometimes you really do just need to watch or read silliness.

And sometimes that silliness can even have an important message like the Burger King campaign.

What’s your favorite way to clear your mind of all the to-dos in your life?

30 Responses

  1. I hear ya! In addition to the usual holiday stuff, I’m already thinking ahead to 1Q 2018. I’m exhausted too! I step away usually by reading a book + a nice cup of tea.

  2. Hey this was such a fun post, indeed need to have some silly things in life to unwind and just soak into some silly fun! Love reading it after many serious readings.

  3. Thanks for taking me away from the serious stuff for a couple of minutes. Whenever I’m too stressed I had to the gym and just sweat things off – sometimes in a funny class just like Body Vive where you basically just do some stupid dance moves 🙂

  4. I needed a bit of unwinding too so I watched all your videos and loved them too. I never unwind with silly things but it was a good change. Will do it more often I guess 🙂
    Thanks for sharing.
    Do drop by my blog as well

  5. I feel you! I had to do the same last weekend and for the first time I disconnected and did something I haven’t done for a while taking advantage of the snow… NETFLIX AND CHILL!

  6. Yeah we got to work even holidays but you deserve some vacation Danay! Have a little break and some pampering with champagne 🙂

  7. Danay, animo, Es bueno desconectarse de vez en cuando…agarrar nuevas pilas y energía para cerrar con broche de oro el año.

  8. Thank-you for a little dose of happiness in my day! When I’m feeling overwhelmed, I love to take long walks and listen to podcasts. There’s nothing like the wind on my face and a long path beneath my feet to remind me that all is indeed well with the world. x

  9. That’s great that Burger King put together an anti-bullying campaign. I think the thing my daughter will like most on here is the Sesame Street/Stranger Things 2 parody. That’s just too funny. I will have to show this to my daughter this evening.

  10. My favorite way to clear my mind is to really spend time with my family. They make me laugh and smile. I also love to get a mani pedi. That makes me feel complete: 0

  11. I was wondering what the heck Dilly Dilly was all about, it seemed like it just popped up out of nowhere! ðƾ˜‚ Look, sometimes the best things that we can do to keep our sanity and clear the mess in our minds is to just tune out for a min and tune into some funny nonsensical things like this! I know it works for me lol. I loved all of these! ðƾ˜Ơ

  12. I really love the Spotify one! I always have headphones on, listening to music there. I think that is also an easier way for people who are breaking into the music industry to get noticed. Music for the win for me!

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