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Tag: Danay Escanaverino

Personal Responsibility is Sexy

With all the focus on external factors affecting our careers, we rarely talk about looking inward in an effort to become a better member of a team.

I mean, when was the last time you thought about your role in your own problems at work?

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Sunshine Blogger Award - Danay

Sunshine Blogger Award – I’m Officially Awesome

You are reading one super cool blog right at this very moment.

That’s right, I’m officially awesome.


Because the fabulous Tabitha over at ConcreteIslandista has nominated me for a Sunshine Blogger Award, and now I’m more awesome than ever.

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Working on new book!

Yes, you read that correctly. I have taken quite a hiatus from the writing while focusing on applying techniques and working with clients. It’s time

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5 Habits to Help Maintain Immune Health

MISSION, KS — October 17, 2024 — (NOTICIAS NEWSWIRE) — Cold and flu season is here. The best way to battle cold and flu season is to prevent coming down with anything at all. While it’s impossible to stay entirely safe from germs, sniffles and coughs, there are a few healthy habits you can incorporate …

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