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Let’s Get Real About Type 2 Diabetes & Chronic Kidney Disease Gente

This post was sponsored by the National Kidney Foundation’s “Are You the 33%?” campaign as part of an Influencer Activation and all opinions expressed in my post are my own.

Many of the dearest people in my life who happen to be Latino have type 2 diabetes. My father had it, and most of his entire side of the family had or currently has it.

My best friend has it. My favorite cousin has it. And with my family history and some of my eating habits, I KNOW I could be at risk. My kids are as well, especially since their father also suffers from type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure.

Me with my youngest enjoying family time at the beach. He is one of the many reasons I’m taking this seriously.

Diabetes itself brings a lot of complications. I know, because I dealt with them with my father when he was alive. One of the scariest complications is that people living with Type 2 diabetes have an increased risk of developing kidney disease. My dad developed kidney disease and at one point had to have dialysis.

Enjoying a beautiful day at the beach after a 5 mile run. Taking care of my health is important.

If you have ever witnessed someone going through dialysis, you know it is painful to watch. You have no way of helping other than providing what little comfort you can as a caretaker.

You may be thinking that this is extreme, and most people will never have to deal with this.

Did you know that 33% of adults in the United States are at risk for kidney disease without knowing it?

That is 1 out of every 3 people you may know.

My point with this post is to make you aware of the risks so that you can stay vigilant and educate yourself and your loved ones.

As with any health issue, it’s important to diagnose and treat chronic kidney disease early. This may slow or prevent the progression to kidney failure. With early diagnosis and treatment, you can also reduce the risk for complications such as heart disease and stroke, both of which my father also suffered from. If you’re wondering whether you are part of the 33% who are at risk for chronic kidney disease, you can take a one-minute quiz provided by the National Kidney Foundation on MinuteForYourKidneys.org

Let’s go gente. No more keeping our heads in the sand about our health.

It’s our responsibility to be informed and do whatever it takes to stay healthy for ourselves and our familia.

That’s why I run my 5 miles every day.

Getting ready to run my 5-miler today after taking my quiz.

It is also why I took the test, and I found out I have risk factors. So I’m doing something about it.

I hope you will too.

“Are You the 33%?” chronic kidney disease and type 2 diabetes campaign is a joint initiative of the National Kidney Foundation and Bayer. 

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