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Tag: LatinaMeetup

5 Groups Every Latina Entrepreneur Should Join in 2024

5 Groups Every Latina Entrepreneur Should Join in 2024

Latinas are continuing to dominate the entrepreneurial space coming into 2024.Latina owned businesses represent 31% of all net new women-owned businesses, which is nearly double their share of the female population (17%). Check out these 5 groups every Latina entrepreneur should join.

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LatinaMeetup Miami 2018 Recap Part 1

LatinaMeetup Miami 2018 Recap Part 1

You know how I always talk about doing something that scares you?

Going back to my hometown and pulling off a great event while keeping sponsors and attendees happy was very, very scary for me.

Thankfully, the LatinaMeetup Miami was a success!

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LatinaMeetup NYC Recap

LatinaMeetup NYC Recap

LatinaMeetup NYC was an absolute hit, mistakes and all. I’m a big proponent of learning from mistakes. And boy did I get some great lessons

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Latina Entrepreneur Ofelia Breton

Latina Entrepreneur: Ofelia Bretón

It’s time for another feature of a Latina Entrepreneur who is bossing it up and making it look fabulous. I am thrilled to introduce you to Ofelia Bretón, founder of Frida & Chloé, a curated e-shop with a social purpose based in Dallas.

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5 Habits to Help Maintain Immune Health

MISSION, KS — October 17, 2024 — (NOTICIAS NEWSWIRE) — Cold and flu season is here. The best way to battle cold and flu season is to prevent coming down with anything at all. While it’s impossible to stay entirely safe from germs, sniffles and coughs, there are a few healthy habits you can incorporate …

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