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What’s Up With All These Instagram Giveaways? Roundup January 2018

It’s official, Instagram is THEE place to find good giveaways.

I’ve even jumped on the bandwagon because I know that’s where a lot of my peeps hang out.

There are a few reasons why giveaways work so well on the platform.

  1. The element of trust is still pretty fresh.
  2. It’s a lot easier to get someone to like, follow and tag others, than it is to use the traditional online giveaway method where someone has to enter their email and hope they won’t get an onslaught of emails from the host and their partners.
  3. The competition is clearly visible. You can see how many entries there are by checking the number of comments. This gives you an idea of the chances of winning.

Since my agency regularly researches a lot of giveaway posts to find what works and doesn’t for others, I decided I should share some of the favorites every month.

Here are the top 10 Instagram Giveaways we found, and yes mine is at the top!

Here’s my most recent giveaway. It ends Friday, January 20th, so don’t forget to enter!

Giveaway #1: apexM device by InControl Medical valued at $399. Ends 1/20/2018

Giveaway #2: MCC20K Giveaway ends 1/19/2018

Giveaway #3: Brown Leather Journal Giveaway. Ends 1/23/2018

Giveaway #4: Cruise Vacation Giveaway. Details Coming 1/18/2018

Giveaway #5: Vooray Duffle Bag & Goodies. Ends 1/22/2018

Giveaway #6: Earrings! Ends 1/29/2018

Giveaway #7: Tons of Cool Makeup! Ends 1/31/2018


Giveaway #8: Fabric Giveaway. Ends 1/20/2018

Giveaway #9: White Gold Jewelry by DiamondWize. Ends 1/30/2018

Giveaway #10: Enter. Sparkly Dress by Goldin /1/2018


Want more Instagram Giveaways?

Just follow the hashag #giveaway & #giveaways, and you’re all set.

Good luck and don’t forget to share with your friends!

Instagram Giveaway Roundup Janunary 2018

22 Responses

  1. Wow! I thought there might be one or two giveaways that I would be interested in but I loved them all! Thanks for putting these all together!

  2. I have to admit sometimes I think it is a overkill – as I live in Germany I often can’t take part in them BOOHOO! Liking this roundup though at least I get an idea of the products available.

  3. Wow these are tons of giveaways! Im one of those unlucky who never wins any giveaways, hahaha. Good luck for all the fabulous entries!

  4. I’ve seen lots of giveaways ion Instagram! I feel excited every time I see interesting prizes but only a few are open internationally.

  5. Agree that it is much easier to see giveaways on Instagram. Love all these giveaway posts! I hope some are open internationally.

  6. I love giveaways! I have to admit though, I’m sometimes skeptical because I’m never sure if the item was actually given away. But it never hurts to enter if it just costs me a like.

  7. Lots and lots of giveaways! I havent tried hosting a giveaways online, but have tried sponsoring giveaways on my friends parties using my excess goodies. They love it!
    Good luck to all entries 🙂

  8. That’s a lot of giveaways! I’ve always wondered the real value of doing giveaways, I’ve ran them for clients before but we usually see over 50% people drop off engagement immediately after the giveaway. There are entire communities dedicated to finding and joining them all over the place.

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