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Personal Responsibility is Sexy

Everyone talks about self love and finding one's true calling. We talk a lot about external factors that affect our careers. We talk about diversity issues and glass ceilings. Don't…

Pivoting Live Events to Virtual

It was inevitable. Zoom meetings for LatinaMeetup. I wasn't a fan since I've been spending countless hours on Zoom meetings that could easily have been handled by a simple email.…

5 Favorite COVID-19 Memes

Listen, this is our "new reality". That term actually makes me cringe now. Seriously, how many times do you hear it on any given day? Every phone call or zoom…

COVID-19 Kudos List #2

Another week in quarantine and I have officially lost count of which week it is. Yes, it HAS been challenging to stay home and socialize only via Zoom and Facetime,…

COVID-19 Kudos List

I operate under two important principles in life. Number 1: Be optimistic. Number 2: Do something about it. The reason isn't because I am some highly transformed individual who possesses…

3 Trade Show Connection Hacks You Should Be Using

The holidays are over and I am preparing for my first trade shows of the year. I have gotten really good at packing a suitcase, jumping on a plane and…