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Speaking About Latino Buying Power in 2024

Latino Buying Power in 2024 - Presentation by Danay

**Latino Buying Power: Unveiling a $3.2 Trillion Economic Force**

Discover the true economic impact of the Latino community. In my latest blog post, I share insights from my presentation at the Georgia Latino Caucus, highlighting the $3.2 trillion buying power of Latinos. Learn how this data challenges negative stereotypes and showcases the contributions of the Latino community to the American economy. Explore key organizations like L’ATTITUDE, Hispanic Star, and the Latino Donor Collaborative that are driving awareness and empowerment. Join me in celebrating and understanding the true potential of Latino economic influence.

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Native vs. Heritage Spanish Speakers: Understanding the Differences for Effective Multicultural Marketing

Native Spanish Speaker vs Heritage Spanish Speaker - LunaSol Media Hispanic Marketing - youtube thumbnail

In a recent article about Native versus Heritage Spanish Speakers, I discussed the importance of understanding cultural and language differences in order to create effective and relevant campaigns for clients. This is an important topic that I write extensively about, as it is part of my daily work. It is also something that continues to […]

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Speaking About Latino Buying Power in 2024

As I sit here preparing to put my thoughts onto the virtual page, I am hit by the realization that it has been a few months since I wrote anything…

5 Groups Every Latina Entrepreneur Should Join in 2024

Latinas are continuing to dominate the entrepreneurial space coming into 2024. According to the the 2019 State of Women-Owned Businesses Report commissioned by American Express, Latina owned businesses represent 31%…

Speaking On Best Practices in Marketing to Hispanics in 2024

After taking a year off from speaking, I kicked off 2024 with a bang as I presented at the Lead Generation World conference about Best Practices in Marketing to Hispanics…

Lessons from Rocks

My family immigrated to the US from Cuba in 1979 in the hopes of escaping communism and a dictatorship. I was four going on five and my older brother was…

The 2023 Latino Holiday Gift Guide is LIVE!

Running a multicultiural agency, I work with a lot of large brands, which I absolutely love and enjoy. That aside, I also have a really soft spot for Latino small…

Con el programa de Ayuda Adicional de Medicare más personas ahorran dinero en recetas médicas

26 de julio de 2024 — (NOTICIAS NEWSWIRE) — Debido a una nueva ley, más personas califican para ahorrar más en medicamentos recetados con el programa Ayuda Adicional de Medicare, por lo que podría valer la pena solicitarlo incluso si cree que no califica o si se le negó antes. Muchas personas califican para Ayuda …

FIAP Face to Face Webinar: The creativity of The Hispanic Market Thrives on its Diversity and Authenticity

— Gustavo Lauria, Mara Fernández, Álvar Suñol, Elias Weinstock, and Tony Waissmann presented on the panel titled ‘Creativity Without Borders: The Power of Latin Talent at Cannes Lions’ —

Miami to Host Premiere of 'Ellos Gritan Libertad,' a Stirring Documentary on Cuban Protests for Freedom

— Award-winning documentary features exclusive footage from Cuba’s historic 2021 protests — — Join the discussion with filmmakers and the narrator after a compelling glimpse into Cuba's struggle for liberty —

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